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A Prayer for Renewal in the New Year

Jean Zaru

As we begin a new year, may we do so with a prayer of renewal on our hearts. May we seek to discern the activity of the Holy Spirit in all places where God’s love is made manifest. And in doing so may we become energetic participants, guided by the hope of a world reconciled and a creation renewed according to God’s will.

Our prayer, like all prayers, is an act of commitment. When we pray, ‘your kingdom come, your will be done’, we should ask: “What would the Spirit have us do? What is the will of God in my personal life, in my community and in the world? How do I communicate the gospel in my word, in my life and in ways that invite others to turn to the Living God?”

How do we respond to structures of domination whether they be political, economic, social, cultural, environmental or religious? Jesus was not satisfied with only doing charity. If that was so, the Pharisees would have left him alone. Rather, Jesus addressed the root causes of injustice.

May his example, offer us the direction we need and the steadfastness required of us as we stand strong with the children of Palestine, with political prisoners, with those advocating for gender equality and human rights in their local communities and all the while continue to shake off the structures of discrimination and the oppressive systems which, 70 years on, continue to deny us our freedom.

Come Holy Spirit. Come. Renew all creation.

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